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Nomad' House

Workspace for Third-Place

Today, people work more and more in alternative places like restaurants, hotels, breweries... This nomad work is usually positive but these places, called Third-Places, are not really adapted to work for long periods... You're quickly distracted. I studied this new work phenomenon and I designed the Nomad'House to improve working in Third-Places.


The Nomad'House creates semi isolated workspaces. The four modules enable various configurations which are adapted to each space but also according to workers' needs in a specific place : little working lounges, meeting spaces, bigger working areas... 


The aim is also to promote the opportunities of nomad work and Third-Places, create nomad communities and promote exchanges between all the different workers. The institution can also attract new customers and renting opportunities.


The esthetic is soft, intimate and peaceful to make it feel like in a cocoon and make work enjoyable. The walls have high acoustic insulation to promote calm and the light is totally adapted to work needs.

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